JEFFERSON Tan of host Cetba ruled the Associate Masters Finals of the 13th Cebu Tenpin Bowling Association-NBT National Open Tenpin Bowling Championships on Nov. 26 to Dec. 1, 2024 at the SM Bowling Center.

Tan dropped 1,521 pins over eight rounds, tallying his best round of 195 in the fifth frame to beat Mark Hodgkinson, who scored 1,497.
Hodgkinson, who plays with a handicap of six, scored 224 in the third frame and closed out with 200 and 202 in the seventh and eighth rounds for his second place finish.
Hodgkinson, who used to play for the Sugarbowl Tenpin Association Inc. of Bacolod City, is now with the Sugbuanon Bowlers United (SUGBU) and is the ambassador of Bowler X in the Philippines, which sponsored GJ Buyco, Jomar Jumapao, Aui Padawan and Heber Alqueza.
Rene Ceniza, also of Sugbu, got third place with 1,479 and had his best round of 210 in the third, while Mars Varias (KBA) and Rey Velarde (Sugbu) got the fourth and fifth spots with 1,471 and 1,462, respectively.
The rest of the top 10 bowlers are Ronan Bared of Cetba (1,423), Uew Schulze of Sugbu (1,418), Jamie Uy of Cetba (1,413), Annie Licarte of BALP (1,412), and Naths Reyes of Cetba (1,409).

In the Senior Masters Finals, Richard Turner of Sugbu strong finish got him second place behind the visiting Pat Mendoza.
Turner finished with 1,501, after closing out with 244 and 181 in the final two frames to finish behind Mendoza, who had 1,536. Mendoza, of the Bacolod Monday Bowlers Club, closed out with 202 for his championship run.
Vivian Padawan of Sugbu took third place with 1,492, just eight ahead of fourth placer Annie Licarte, while Cetba’s Nestor Longcanaya got fifth place with 1,483.
The rest of the top 10 bowlers are Rommel Calipay of Cetba (1,472), Marvin Sevilla of Cetba (1,470), David Pena of Cetba (1,461), Dante Calipay of STBA (1,445), and Omar Marsangca (1,432).